Today’s manufactures and distributors need to provide customers with a full slate of ordering options to stay competitive. Many distributors provide on-line ordering and in person selling. The next frontier is B2B mobile commerce.
jLAN Mobile Direct is a customer self service app that makes ordering more convenient than ever. Customers can now order on a mobile app, directly from their shelves, warehouse or retail store at their convenience, 24/7.
Offer the ultimate in ordering convenience to your customers!
Let your customers order directly from you on a mobile app.
Customer have access to custom product and account info when ordering
Your customers see their specific item lists and pricing
Customers can build accurate orders right from their phones
Give customers access to historical buying information to easily replicate orders

jLAN Mobile Direct Cloud makes set-up and ongoing maintenance easy !
Manage your mobile commerce channel from a centralized web portal.
Upload customer and product information to jLAN Mobile Direct Cloud
Add your company’s logo and branding
Encourage your customers to download the Android or iPhone app
Orders created on the mobile app are uploaded to the jLAN Mobile Portal for review
Integrate new sales orders directly into your ERP system
Manage customer permissions from the jLAN Portal
Expand your business !
Grow revenues while simultaneously reducing order capture costs!
Capture more orders by making order writing simpler
Promote new products to your customers
Mobile B2B commerce is cost effective
Receive orders 24/7 from anywhere